
Our mentors are all volunteers. They play a vital role in supporting and preparing the trainees as well as possible for landing their first job in tech.

I would like to be a...

There are different volunteering roles at HackYourFuture and we’re happy for every pair of extra hands supporting our community. You don’t need to know the entire technology stack we teach, but it’s important that you can contribute with concrete skills or actions that help our trainees land a job.

What do we teach?

We teach the fundamentals of full-stack web development, with a focus on modern Javascript. The program relies on lots of hands-on exercises as well as project-based work. Check out our curriculum here.

The Curriculum

1 week
Git 1
1 weeks
JavaScript 1
4 weeks
JavaScript 2
3 weeks
JavaScript 3
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
React 1
3 weeks
React 2
3 weeks
Git 2
1 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks

Frequently asked questions

Can I get SU or other student benefits as a student of HackYourFuture?
HackYourFuture is organized as an Association (in Danish "Forening") and is not registered as an official educational institution in Denmark. This means that as a student of HackYourFuture, you currently cannot get registered as a student in the Danish Educational System. The negative aspect of this is that you currently can not get SU (https://www.su.dk/english/su-as-a-foreign-citizen/) or other student benefits when you are a student in HackYourFuture. The positive aspect of this is that we don't have the same requirements as official education institutions in Denmark and we don't require you to have a CPR-number to start studying with us.
How does the selection process work?
In order to select the best candidates, we ask all applicants to complete a test assignment. No previous knowledge of coding is required, but you need to be able to use a computer and the internet with confidence. The test requires about 30-40hrs of work and you will have 10 days to complete it. After that, we will invite the 30 top candidates for a video interview and finally select 15 candidates who will join our program. We consider the results of your test assignment, your analytical skills, your motivation to learn, and determination to start a career as a developer. Furthermore, we factor in the degree of marginalization of each applicant based on residence permit, household income & motivational letter.
I am not a refugee. Can I still apply?
HackYourFuture's is a program for people who have limited access to higher education and the job market in Denmark and priority will always be given to refugees and asylum seekers. You are welcome to apply to the program, but please explain in your motivational letter why you believe you are disadvantaged in Denmark and need the HackYourFuture program.
I don't have a computer. Can I still apply?
Yes, you can borrow a computer from HackYourFuture when you are selected for the program. Let us know on info@hackyourfuture.dk and come by our office during this week. If you can't come to Copenhagen to pick up a computer, we recommend that you go to the local library where you can normally use a computer for free. If you are accepted to the program, you can borrow a computer from us during the whole course. If you are not accepted, we ask you to bring back the computer within a week after the decision.
I don't live close to Copenhagen or Aarhus. Can I still apply?
We accept people living all over Denmark, and we can pay for transportation costs (train tickets) as well as we provide lunch and snacks on the Sunday classes. You need to be able to reach Copenhagen or Aarhus on a Sunday at 12.00.
What other activities can I expect from the program?
During the program you can get access to extra-curricular activities such as technology workshops, study groups, company visits and IT conferences. After graduating, you can join the HYF Job-Hub, which is intended to support your job-hunt by providing additional workshops, training and connections to Career Mentors.
Who do you consider being in a disadvantaged situation?
We consider the following conditions when we select the candidates for a new class: Education: You don’t have access to free education in Denmark; or, your existing degree is not recognised in Denmark. Unemployment: You have been unemployed for more than 6 months. Underemployment: You have been employed outside your field of education for more than 6 months. If the situations for employment and education described above don’t apply to you, then we don’t directly consider you in our target group. In that case, please specify in your motivational letter why we should consider you.
Meet our mentors
Abed Sujan
Marta Matos
Rasmus Jones
Majd Darraj
Younes Meliani
Kristoffer Tølbøll
Zaki Wasik
Ahmed Magdy
Daniel Fernandes
Flemming Andersen
Radoslaw Medryk
Nathan Kuik


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